


If you spend most of your day consuming cold drinks, sodas, all other drinks contain a high amount of sugar which is very unhealthy and you must avoid it. Make the transition with these detoxifying drinks that will help with constipation and headaches. They're ALL-NATURAL too!

The body detoxifying drinks in this post are guaranteed to fight the effects of a busy schedule, an unhealthy diet, and/or chronic stress - all common causes of discomfort. You'll learn about their benefits in detail after perusing this page: the natural ingredients they contain; what they taste like; how many times a week you can safely imbibe; and whether there's any special preparation needed beforehand.

  • Detoxifying Smoothie

What: Recipe for a green smoothie made with spinach, apple juice, and blueberries. Blend until smooth.

Preparation: Chop the spinach and rinse it under cold water for 10 minutes, or until the color of its leaf has lightened up. Discard the water and place the spinach back in a clean bowl.

Mash the apple with a fork until it is reduced to a coarse consistency — no more than 1/2 inch in diameter — and mix it with 1 cup of nonfat milk (or any other dairy product that's not pasteurized).

Combine the apple and nonfat milk in a blender with 1 cup of ice and 1 handful of blueberries (or other berries). Puree until smooth.

How Often: Drink it once every day.

  • Lemon water with honey

Recipe: For Lemon water with honey all you need is lukewarm water honey and lemon.

Preparation: In a pan heat 3 cups of water. Now strain it into a glass. Finally, add lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey and you're ready with your body detoxifying drink.

Drinking this in the morning with an empty stomach is the best and most effective.

  • Coconut water with lemon and mint

Recipe: Break a coconut and empty water in a glass. Scrape off coconut meat using a spoon. Add it to the coconut water by chopping it. Now add honey, mint, and lemon juice as well as lemon. Mix, stir well, and serve.

  • Aam Panna
Aam Panna is a popular Indian drink made from lemon, salt, and sugar. In addition to being refreshing in the summer months, it is also rich in vitamin C which helps boost your immune system.

Step 1: Add one cup of water and one teaspoon of sugar in a blender and mix well till the sugar dissolves.  

Step 2: Add three or four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime juice, if using lime add an extra tablespoon of water. 

Step 3: Mix well till everything is blended together making sure not to leave lumps on top. 

Step 4: Add in 3 cups of water, and stir well till everything is mixed and dissolved. 

Step 5: Pour this mixture into a small pitcher and chill it in the refrigerator.

Step 6: Just before serving add a few teaspoons of salt to each glass and stir till all the salt is dissolved. Serve chilled with ice cubes.
This recipe makes 4 glasses of Aam Panna, which gives you quite some fizz as well as loads of Vitamin C! So why not try it out today! 

  • Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is one of the healthiest juices around, and it's also incredibly tasty. If you want to make your own homemade pomegranate juice, follow these simple instructions:

- Clean the seeds from a bunch of pomegranates by splitting them into halves and then letting gravity do its job;
- Place the seeds in a pot with water; cover with a lid and boil for 15 minutes;
- Strain through cheesecloth (or another strainer) to remove any solids;    - Pour the juice into jar or container, close tightly with lid. You can drink it immediately or store it in the refrigerator for up to one week.
- Keep the seeds that remain after straining them from the juice. They can be used as a snack or in recipes, and they do not go bad easily.

Enjoy your homemade pomegranate juice!
Pomegranate juice is one of the healthiest juices around, and it's also incredibly tasty.

  • Cucumber Mint Detox Drink

Is this your first Detox Drink? You can't miss out on a good thing! This cucumber mint drink is a true delicacy. It's also really refreshing and you'll feel great after, so read on to learn how to make it. Remember, you can always add a twist to this recipe if you wish. Try adding a shot of vodka for a party-friendly treat!
1 cucumber 5 mint leaves 1 lemon 1 pineapple 1 banana
How to make it: Take all the ingredients and place them in your blender. Stir it well. Serve immediately in a glass. You can add ice cubes if you wish or drink it cold from the fridge, not only is it delicious but also really refreshing. [Add notes] This is a true detox drink so drink plenty of water with this one! Do not be afraid to add a blast of vodka, or some cayenne pepper.
You can also take this drink 1 hour before or after meals if you want to lose weight or detox your body. This amazing drink is also great for your skin, hair, and nails. We hope you like this detox drink recipe and make sure you check out other great drinks like the chia seed smoothie recipe (it's pure Heaven).

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