


You're not the only one. Modern technology has been linked with a heightened risk of depression, anxiety, social isolation, and general mental instability. Long hours staring at screens that bombard us with stressors and fake news can take a serious toll on our mental wellbeing. But there's hope - because we know how to tackle this problem! Read on for a few strategies to help you bounce back from digital fatigue and improve your life overall.

Tip #1: Set a Screen-Free Time Schedule

It seems simple, but this is the core of any mental fitness plan. The more we limit ourselves and take time away from the screen, the better we will feel. This doesn't mean you can't use technology at all - it just means you need to be careful and methodical about when and where you use it. Consider whether there are certain times of day when excessive screen time is more likely to be an issue. If you notice that your mood is worse in the evenings, for example, try to take a break from screens at least an hour before bedtime.

Tip #2: Encourage Friends to Set Screen-Free Times Together

Social isolation is another big contributor to depression and anxiety. Spending too much time alone with technology can be extremely isolating. The solution? Push back against isolation by making conscious efforts to connect with people in real life. Ask friends if they'd be willing to set screen-free times together so you can spend time away from technology together. That might mean spending a few hours reading books or playing games without having your nose stuck in a screen. It can be really rewarding to connect in this way, which helps you feel less isolated and depressed.

Tip #3: Unplug Your Phone

One of the easiest ways to connect with people in real life is by taking the phone out of the equation. So many social interactions are ruined by smartphones, as people are scrolling through Instagram or Facebook instead of paying attention to the person standing right in front of them. If you want to socialize with friends or family, organize a time that you'll all be free from your phones. Make it a rule that you absolutely must put your phone away for an hour or so to spend time together. Not only will you avoid social isolation, but you'll learn how to control your overuse of technology over time.

Tip #4: Be Mindful of Your Social Media Habits

Social media can create a lot of stress, and if you're not careful, it can take a serious toll on your mental health. Set a schedule for when and how long you'll be on each platform - like limiting yourself to two hours each day on Facebook. This way you don't get trapped in the cycle of waiting until people respond to your messages or upload new content. You can also try taking frequent breaks during social media time to get outside or do some physical activity, which can help clear your head.


It's important to remember that technology isn't inherently bad, but when it's used without limits, it can cause problems. That's why it's helpful to set some limits for yourself when you're using technology in general. For example, you might tell yourself that you won't write an email until after dinner, or that you won't check your Facebook notifications until after work. This kind of self-imposed structure can help reduce the stress of overuse and enable you to live a happier life overall.

Mental health is a pressing yet often overlooked issue, and it's time we take a closer look at what this means for ourselves, our friends and family members, and our workplaces. In this blog post, you'll learn all about how important mental health is for your day-to-day life. By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of the unique challenges that one faces when dealing with mental illness - as well as some ways to manage these struggles. You'll also learn about the stigma associated with mental illness - both how it impacts those struggling personally with their own mental health issues as well as how it affects those who live close to someone else's struggles. By sharing this information with those around you, you'll help them better understand the importance of mental health. These may seem like simple things, but by living your life as a source of inspiration to those around you, as well as working to live as a personal example of how to achieve happiness and stability despite mental illness - you'll be doing just that.

Beginning with the basics: What is mental health?

As you know by now, mental illness refers to anything that impacts functionality or quality of mind - physical or psychological. There are many different types of mental illness, and the more severe the perception of mental illness is for a particular individual, the more likely they are to be affected physically by it.

Some common examples of mental illnesses:

* Anxiety (which is actually a state of nervousness and stress)

* Depression (a sadness that doesn't go away; usually we refer to this as clinical depression)

* Bipolar Disorder (also known as manic depression; severe swings between periods of extreme highs and lows)

* Schizophrenia (a disorder characterized by suspiciousness, hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech)

We'll explore these later.

While it's true that mental illness isn't always visible to the naked eye, it is possible to be impacted mentally in ways that go unnoticed or undetected. Of course, these mental illnesses can result in a wide range of physical symptoms - from headaches and stomach aches to the development of a serious illness such as cancer. The loss of mental capacity can also make us unable to achieve our full potential, which is why taking steps towards improving your own mental health should be a high priority for you.

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